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International Journal of Psychiatry Research

Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A (2022)

An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) on level of self-esteem of nursing students in selected nursing colleges of Delhi / UP


Anju Mishra, Alka Chauhan and Lavanya Nandan


Introduction: Self- esteem is an evaluative component of self- concept, it is an overall assessment of the individual’s worthiness, expressed in a positive or negative orientation towards them. Self-esteem plays a very important role for development during adolescent period. The formation of self -esteem and shaping of personality is of pronounced significance during adolescent period. If adolescents are given suitable instructions/intervention during this period; their self -esteem levels can be elevated which will affect their personality development. The present study is undertaken with the aim to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) on self-esteem of nursing students studying in selected nursing college of Delhi / UP. 
Methods: A quasi-experimental pre-test post-test research design was adopted with convenient sampling technique was used for selecting the samples for study. The sample consists of 60 nursing students studying in selected nursing colleges of Delhi / U.P. (30 for control group and 30 for experimental group). A pre-assessment was done on the 1st day for both the groups and Cognitive behaviour Therapy (CBT) was administered to subjects in experimental group in three sessions i.e., Day 3, day 6, and day 9. The post assessment was done after one week. Tools developed and used for data collection were, structured interview schedule and Rosenberg self-esteem scale to check the self-esteem among nursing student. 
Results: The researcher found that cognitive behaviour therapy is effective in improving self-esteem of nursing students. The data was analysed and interpreted as per objectives and the research hypothesis stated. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results shows that there was significant difference between mean post test scores of nursing students in experimental group (31.16) is higher than the pre-test self- esteem score (29) and Calculated Paired t test value (3.5828) is greater than the table value 2.045, which is statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance. The CHI Square test and Fisher’s exact test was used to find out the association between the post-test SE score with the demographic variables. It was found that, there is no significant association between the post-test SE scores with selected demographic variables found as the p value obtained is greater than 0.05. 
Conclusion: The conclusion of the study reveals that Cognitive behaviour Therapy is effective in improving the self-esteem of nursing students.

Pages: 01-06  |  1865 Views  1297 Downloads

International Journal of Psychiatry Research
How to cite this article:
Anju Mishra, Alka Chauhan and Lavanya Nandan. An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) on level of self-esteem of nursing students in selected nursing colleges of Delhi / UP. Int. J. Psychiatry Res. 2022;4(2):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/26648962.2022.v4.i2a.43
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