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International Journal of Psychiatry Research

Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A (2024)

Effectiveness of dance therapy on stress among old age people


Parmar Juli Niranjankumar


Background: Stress is a common occurrence in day-to-day life and sometimes it will be a reaction or sometime will be a stimulus. The main goals of the study were to assess the level of stress among old age people and effectiveness of dance therapy in reduction of stress. 
Methodology: The research design selected for the study was pre-experimental one group pretest and post-test research design”. A non-probability convenience sampling techniques was used to obtain sample of 60 old age people who satisfied the inclusion criteria. The modified psychological stress assessment scale, which is a standardized measure for assessing the level of stress among old age people, was administered to conduct the pre-test and the post-test. This tool contains 30 items. This is a 4 point scale and the total score is 90. After assessing the pre-test stress level, dance therapy was provided to each sample for 30 days for duration of 45 minutes per day each morning. After 30 days stress was measured by using same modified psychological stress assessment scale.
Results: Mean of the pre-test and post-test was (61.05) and (25.85) and Standard Deviation of the pre-test and post-test was (11.89) and (8.27). The Mean difference was (35.2). The calculated ‘t’ value (25.29) was greater than the table value (1.67) at 0.05 level of significance. This showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post- test level of stress scores among old age people. Calculated chi square value was significant with age, educational status and duration of stay at old age homes and other variables were not significant.
Conclusion: From the results of the study, it was concluded that the Dance Therapy was effective in reducing the stress level among old age people.

Pages: 35-38  |  345 Views  134 Downloads

International Journal of Psychiatry Research
How to cite this article:
Parmar Juli Niranjankumar. Effectiveness of dance therapy on stress among old age people. Int. J. Psychiatry Res. 2024;6(1):35-38. DOI: 10.33545/26648962.2024.v6.i1a.65
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